Thursday, December 20, 2012

Question time!!!

Who inspires you and why?

This can be any role model, friend, family, random media character, ect. Just make sure it's 140 characters or less!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Using the Template

Ok, I have been getting a lot of questions on how to use the template. So, here is the way that I set up the template when I am working on a yearbook page.
Ok, when you first open the template in Photoshop, it should look something like this. The first thing you need to do is click on the page icon to get yourself a new layer. 
The next thing to do is to drag that "Guides" Layer below the  "Layer 1" So that Layer 1 is on top.
It should now look like this.
Ok. Now you are going to work on the background.

  1. Make sure you are selected on Layer 1
  2. Pick your background color from the color selector
  3. Select your paint bucket tool
  4. Dump your color in the template
  5. Delete the locked "Background" Layer. You can now rename Layer 1 background if you want.
Even if you aren't planning on having any of the background color show, it's a good idea to put a background color in there so you can see what you have covered and what you don't.

Now you can use the template as you would a normal Photoshop document. The guides are there so that you don't put anything important in those spaces. (i.e. a face or award) Those spaces will probably end up in the binding of the book.
 Go ahead and open what pictures you want to use, cut, copy, paste, crop, ect. 

Any Questions?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Senior Pages and Question

Ok... so I'm not that great on scheduled updates for this blog.... Sorry guys. But here we are again.

Senior Pages. I really need to know who is having me make their pages, preferably this week. As soon as I publish this page I will be sending out the yearbook template for your pages in an email. All of you MUST use that template so that they are ready to go in the yearbook. If you have any questions or concerns about the template, feel free to ask them here or send me an email.
IF YOU WANT ME TO MAKE YOUR PAGE I need you to email me ASAP. I have to get your pictures and ideas so I can start working on them. I want your pages to be awesome, and I'd hate to have you regret having me put your page together. :) PLEASE email me so we can start the process.

Those of you who are making your own pages, your page needs to be turned into the yearbook NO LATER THAN THE SECOND WEEK IN FEBRUARY!! If this seems impossible, you need to talk to Mrs. Cousino or Mrs.Wensley.

I know you guys are all busy, so am I, but please try to stay on top of this stuff. I will also try to be better about the updates.

Ok, enough nagging about the pages.  Now I'll nag you about the questions. ;)
Gabri raised a really good point the other day, "I published my other answers they still count?" Yes!! The reason we're asking for responses is so that we can choose a couple for every question. So even if you missed the earlier ones, please reply to them! It will make me very happy. :)

On that note, here is your question!
 What is your favorite HSC activity and why?

Don't forget your 140 character limit! Thanks everybody!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Housekeeping and a New Question

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been around the past couple of weeks, things have been nuts.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are fired up as we finish out the beginning of our last high school year! In order to make up for not being around, there's a new look on the blog today!

Just a couple reminders, if you want your page to be done by the yearbook, please have those pictures into me by the end of this semester along with a couple of ideas of how you might like your page to look. I'm asking for them at this time so that I can make the pages as nice as they can be and get some feedback from you guys before they go to the printer.
Also, big thank yous to the people who have answered the questions! Keep it up! We've got several more to go!
Don't forget, normally I will be updating this blog every Thursday and Friday, but if you want to make sure you know when I new post is out, go ahead and follow our blog. It should send you an email everytime I update.

Alright, enough of that. Here is your next question!

What was the hardest class you ever took at HSC? Who was the teacher and how did it go?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Question #2!

Hey everybody! It's time for a new question!!

What has been your favorite activity you participated in during high school? This can be anything within or outside of HSC.  Tell us why too!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Senior Questions

Hello Everybody!

So I told you guys that we had a new idea for the senior page. Well now, the time has come for that plan to be put into motion!!!

Here's the deal. We (meaning Alex and I) are going to ask you guys a bunch of questions. We're going to do one each week. I'm going to try to update the question on either Wednesday or Thursday, so check back around  that time. You can answer the question in the comments section of the post.

For example, this week's question is- *drum roll please*  What is your favorite thing about HSC and why?

You don't have to answer every single question, but please answer as many of them as possible.

Here's the catch. You can't go over 140 characters with your answer. Think of it as a facebook or a twitter status. So.... lets try it out. Ready? Set? Go!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Following and Deadlines.

Hello Everybody!

I am happy to say that most of you have replied and let me know that you were able to get to this lovely blog of ours. We have had a couple of questions and suggestions so I figured I could start dealing with those today.

#1! A wonderful suggestion was made to me by Gabri to add the option of following this blog. After a little research I (think) have added this option. If you look to your right, there should be a little box where you can follow the blog. This should send an update to your email when a new post is added. (I hope.) If you have any problems, please let me know in a comment or email and I will research this further.

#2! Deadlines!!! I know that many of you are very excited to make your own senior page. So am I! These pages will need to be into the yearbook by the beginning of February. I will have a concrete date set for you when I get the chance to talk a little more to Mrs. W. We will be sending out the specifications for your pages very soon. If at all possible, it is best to save your page as a .psd, so that if there needs to be any editing (misspelled words, ect.) we can quickly do that.
If you would like the yearbook to make your page for you, we need those pictures and your idea about what you would like it to look like by the last day of this semester. This way we have plenty of time to get approval from you. If either of these are a problem you can come talk to me about it. However, it can't be too much later, because we have to send the books off for printing and we have to proof your pages.

As usual if there are any questions, please comment below. Hopefully this will help some of you.

Thanks a bunch!

Monday, September 24, 2012

HSC Senior blog!

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the blog of the HSC class of 2013!

On this blog we'll be posting some stuff of common interest as well as the questions for our senior pages.I know some of you are a little concerned about how the senior pages are going to work, so I'm here to set all of your fears to rest.

You will all have the opportunity to make your very own senior page. If you have seen yearbooks in the past, each senior creates their own page and sends it to the yearbook team. This is your page to do whatever you want with it. If you do not want to make your own, but you still want a page, you can send your pictures and ideas to the yearbook team and we will create one for you. All of your deadlines and ideas for pages will be in a future blog post.

For the introduction pages of the senior section, we will be asking you guys questions periodically to so we can get your responses. This is your chance to really say whatever you'd like. We will pick a couple of responses for each question and then those will go onto our cover page. More about our requirements for these in a later post.

If you have any questions, go ahead and ask them in the comments.

So excited for this year!!!
