Friday, November 2, 2012

Question #2!

Hey everybody! It's time for a new question!!

What has been your favorite activity you participated in during high school? This can be anything within or outside of HSC.  Tell us why too!


  1. I loved composing music in my home studio with friends.

  2. I have enjoyed hanging out with friend at parties and dances and/or staying up late to talk with them about there life problems.
    The why of this is I thrive on people so parties make me really fired up. The other part is because I love helping people.

  3. I have loved playing my viola and violin and singing with my mom, dad, sister, and brother. Music is a pillar of my life--it is one God's greatest gifts to mankind--and what better way to enjoy this gift than with the family I adore?

  4. Photography and art journaling. Both are relaxing and they allow me to express myself artistically :)

  5. Sports. They're a great way to have fun, exercise and have a legitimate reason to get out of the house!!

  6. I've enjoyed personally digging deeper into God's mysteries for myself and the friends that surround me. I don't need a why for that. ;)

  7. Singing in choir at my church has allowed me an opportunity to glorify God in song and spend time with my friends in my youth group.

  8. Playing hockey and being in HSC Drama. Both allowed me to do something I love and caused me to grow as a team player and individual.

  9. I have loved playing in my orchestra. I have loved getting to play certain pieces and to expand my musical abilities.
