Thursday, October 25, 2012

Senior Questions

Hello Everybody!

So I told you guys that we had a new idea for the senior page. Well now, the time has come for that plan to be put into motion!!!

Here's the deal. We (meaning Alex and I) are going to ask you guys a bunch of questions. We're going to do one each week. I'm going to try to update the question on either Wednesday or Thursday, so check back around  that time. You can answer the question in the comments section of the post.

For example, this week's question is- *drum roll please*  What is your favorite thing about HSC and why?

You don't have to answer every single question, but please answer as many of them as possible.

Here's the catch. You can't go over 140 characters with your answer. Think of it as a facebook or a twitter status. So.... lets try it out. Ready? Set? Go!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Following and Deadlines.

Hello Everybody!

I am happy to say that most of you have replied and let me know that you were able to get to this lovely blog of ours. We have had a couple of questions and suggestions so I figured I could start dealing with those today.

#1! A wonderful suggestion was made to me by Gabri to add the option of following this blog. After a little research I (think) have added this option. If you look to your right, there should be a little box where you can follow the blog. This should send an update to your email when a new post is added. (I hope.) If you have any problems, please let me know in a comment or email and I will research this further.

#2! Deadlines!!! I know that many of you are very excited to make your own senior page. So am I! These pages will need to be into the yearbook by the beginning of February. I will have a concrete date set for you when I get the chance to talk a little more to Mrs. W. We will be sending out the specifications for your pages very soon. If at all possible, it is best to save your page as a .psd, so that if there needs to be any editing (misspelled words, ect.) we can quickly do that.
If you would like the yearbook to make your page for you, we need those pictures and your idea about what you would like it to look like by the last day of this semester. This way we have plenty of time to get approval from you. If either of these are a problem you can come talk to me about it. However, it can't be too much later, because we have to send the books off for printing and we have to proof your pages.

As usual if there are any questions, please comment below. Hopefully this will help some of you.

Thanks a bunch!